The art of starting out
Since Jayne Soakell and I decided that we needed an excuse to head for the hills on a regular basis and began our Art of Staring Out to Sea project it has always been our intention to offer a snapshot of our process to others in the form of workshops and courses for beginners. We stared our 'roll out' at the beginning of 2018 with the first six week printmaking for beginners at Druitt Hall. A great group of beginners learned three different printmaking methods; linocut, collagraph and drypoint etching. Some really wonderful work was created and since January we have been running monthly one off workshops at Stanpit Village Hall including Linocut, Artist Books and Monoprinting. Everytime we run a course or workshop we are amazed at how good beginners are and how creative and diverse everyone is. The next six week beginners course (relocated to Stanpit while Druitt Hall is out of action) begins on Tuesday May 1st. The monthly Saturday workshops will roll on through 2018. See your website for more details